
Ladies Network 2024-2025

Ladies Network 2025

FSA is proud to once again host the Ladies Network. This year the event will take place on January 13, 14 & 15. This event has a specific focus on women interest in the different areas of business. Each day will focus on a different aspect of finance. Last year Day 1 focused on Corporate Finance & Banking, Day 2 on Private Equity & Trading, and Day 3 on Business and Consultancy.

During this event, female students are provided with the opportunity to get in touch with multiple companies at an external location. After introductory presentations by the 5 participating companies per day, you will be divided into smaller groups to work on a business case from one of the five companies present that day. This gives you the unique opportunity to gain insights in real-life business issues! We will end the day with networking drinks and a luxurious 2-course dinner while enjoying a talk of an inspiring female keynote speaker.

Applications will open in December.



Event date

13/01/2025 - 15/01/2025

Fluency in Dutch required
